Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008

State epidemiologist says data supports restaurant calorie listing

Date: July 30, 2008
General questions: Patrick O'Neill, 971-673-1282
Technical questions: Dr. Mel Kohn, 971-673-1071

Dr. Mel Kohn, Oregon state epidemiologist, praised efforts requiring some Multnomah County restaurants to post the calorie contents of menu items.
Kohn, with the Oregon Department of Human Services State Public Health Division, said recent studies show that listing calorie counts on menus is an effective way to help control obesity.

“Obesity is the leading emerging public health issue that we face as a state,” Kohn said. “If we don’t address the rise in obesity, attempts at fixing our health care system are likely to be unsustainable.”

The Multnomah County Board of Commissioners, meeting as the county’s board of health, has proposed a nutrition labeling regulation for about 90 chain restaurants in Portland and Multnomah County.

The proposal is similar to rules going into effect in Seattle and New York.

Kohn cited two recent Oregon reports that have recommended providing calorie information to customers at the point of purchase as a way to help prevent obesity.

The “Statewide Physical Activity and Nutrition Plan, 2007-2012,” prepared by the Nutrition Council of Oregon and the Oregon Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity, and “Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Among Oregon’s Youth,” by the Oregon Health Policy Commission, both found health value in listing nutrition information for customers at the point of purchase.

Kohn said a study of customers at Subway restaurants, which provide nutrition information, found that diners who reported seeing the information averaged 52 fewer calories than those who did not report seeing it.

While 52 calories may not seem like much, Kohn said the impact is substantial when spread across the large number of customers who eat at chain restaurants.

“This study provides good evidence that nutritional information at the point of purchase influences consumers’ buying habits in a way that reduces their calorie intake,” he said.
Oregon health officials are considering establishing a statewide nutrition-labeling rule when the state’s food code is updated, beginning in 2009

Terrebonne-area residents will discuss Lower Bridge Mine

Date: August 4, 2008
General questions: Patrick O’Neill, 971-673-1282
Technical questions: Karen Bishop, 971-673-1219

Residents of the Terrebonne area will have a chance to discuss health concerns about the Lower Bridge Mine during an informational meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m., Aug. 13, at the Redmond Senior Center, 325 NW Dogwood Ave., in Redmond.
The meeting, sponsored by the Oregon Department of Human Services Public Health Division, will begin at 6:30 p.m. and include presentations from Oregon Public Health Division’s Environmental Health Assessment Program (EHAP), and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). A question and answer session will follow.

Before the meeting, representatives from EHAP, DEQ, and the Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) will be on hand to answer questions informally during a drop-in informational session beginning at 5:30 p.m.

The Lower Bridge Mine is a former surface mine on a 600-acre site near Redmond. It was used from 1930 to 1958 to mine diatomaceous earth. The focus of the meeting will be to provide local residents an opportunity to communicate concerns related to possible health risks from living near the site. EHAP will also describe how the health assessment process for the site will be conducted. In addition, staff from DEQ and DOGAMI will be available to address questions about the site history and plans for environmental clean-up.

For questions regarding the meeting contact Karen Bishop either by telephone: 971-673-1219, or by e-mail: karen.bishop@state.or.us

taken from : http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/news/2008news/2008-0804.pdf

Health officials warn against rabid bats

Date: August 8, 2008
General questions: Patrick O'Neill, DHS, 971-673-1282
Technical questions: Emilio DeBess, DVM, MPVM, 971-673-1111

Oregon health officials are warning people to protect themselves and their pets from rabies after finding five rabid bats since the beginning of 2008.
"People can take two precautions to protect themselves and their pets from bats and rabies," said Dr. Emilio DeBess, public health veterinarian in the Oregon Department of Human Services State Public Health Division. "Never handle bats; and make sure your cats and dogs are up to date on their rabies vaccines."

Rabies is common among bats, DeBess said. Bats, which are most active in warm weather, play an important role in the ecosystem, especially in controlling insects at night. Oregon bats often eat mosquitoes and can catch over 1,000 tiny insects in an hour.

“Unfortunately, bats often carry rabies,” said DeBess. "If you find a bat during the daylight hours, it is probably not healthy and should be avoided.”

“Bats that don’t have rabies generally don’t fly into people,” said DeBess. “So if a bat touches you, think about rabies and ask your doctor about vaccination.”

Of the sick and dead bats tested in Oregon during the last 10 years, about 9.5 percent have had rabies.

Other mammals in Oregon can be infected with rabies from bats.

"Vaccinating pets against rabies protects them and provides a buffer zone between humans and rabid wild animals,” he said. “And, sadly, if a pet is unvaccinated and is exposed to rabies, the recommendation is that it be euthanized."

Nationally, twice as many cats as dogs are reported to have rabies each year, underscoring the need for better vaccination coverage among cats, according to DeBess.

Rabies is an infectious viral disease that affects the nervous system and is almost always caused by exposure to a rabid animal. Exposure is usually through a bite but can also occur through scratches. It is almost always fatal once symptoms begin.

Human rabies is rare in the United States with two to six cases per year. But animal bites are very common and, as a result, thousands of people receive rabies post-exposure vaccinations each year, underscoring the importance of education and prevention, DeBess said.

Medical therapy for someone who has been exposed to rabies averages more than $3,000.

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008

seting Warnet dengan menggunakan modem D-Link untuk Speedy

Bagian I
Pengaturan Modem

Skema adalah sebagai berikut:

User (klien) -> Mikrotik -> Modem D-Link -> Line Telpon -> Internet

Komputer mikrotik (gateway) memiliki 2 kartu jaringan (satu kearah local ( dan satunya kearah modem (

1. Buka Browser dan akses alamat modem d-link anda (dalam hal ini saya menggunakan default address (
2. Login pada layer login seperti tampak pada gambar (default untuk D-Link adalah username : admin password : admin)

Setelah anda sukses untuk login, muncul tampilan dibawah ini :

Pilih tombol run wizard : dan lakukan 3 langkah pengesetan seperti pada gambar:

Seting zona waktu :

Tekan Tombol Next
6. Pilih mode bridge pada tampilan dibawah ini.

7. Tekan tombol Next dan konfigurasikan VPI dan VCI (saya kurang tahu mengenai keduanya) Tapi menurut telkom 147 yang saya Tanya VPI = 8 dan VCI = 81 (Jika ada yang mengerti mengenai angka ini mohon penjelasan)

8. Selesai!!!

Bagian II
Pengaturan Router Mikrotik

1. Seting Mikrotik Anda. Untuk penjelasan instalasi mikrotik, tidak saya jelaskan. Jika ada link lengkap mengenai tutorial instalasi minta dunk! Yang saya lakukan hanya menginstal mikrotik dengan paket : System, web – proxy, routing, User Management dan ppp

2. Setelah instalasi mikrotik selesai login pada console mikrotik. Username defaultnya adalah admin dan kosongkani pada passwordnya

3. Setelah anda login cek keberadaan kedua kartu jaringan anda

[admin@mikrotik] > interface print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running
0 ether1 ether 0 0 1500
1 ether2 ether 0 0 1500

4. Ubah dulu nama dari masing-masing kartu jaringan tersebut:

[admin@mikrotik] > interface ethernet set ether1 name=internet
[admin@mikrotik] > interface ethernet set ether2 name=local

5. Cek kembali kondisi interface anda:

[admin@mikrotik] > interface print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running
0 internet ether 0 0 1500
1 lokal ether 0 0 1500

6. Hati-hati jangan sampai terbalik karena akan membingungkan proses selanjutnya. Untuk amannya, berikan alamat (IP) pada sebuah interface kemudian testingkan. Saya ambil contoh untuk interface yang menuju ke modem.

[admin@mikrotik] > /ip address add address= interface=internet
[admin@mikrotik] > ping 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=2 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time<1 ttl="64" ttl="64"> /ip address add address= interface=lokal

8. Jika anda tidak bisa ping ke komputer klien, coba dari arah sebaliknya (dari komputer klien yang ping ke mikrotiknya)

C:\Documents and Settings\Masjati>ping

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 4ms, Maximum = 6ms, Average = 4ms

9. Nah sampai di langkah ini, kedua interface anda telah selesai dikoneksikan baik kearah modem maupun ke arah klien (jaringan local)

10. Selanjutnya anda bisa memasukkan entry PPPoE Client.

/interface pppoe-client add name=pppoe-user-speedy user=141112300065@telkom.net password=Nb90Cd33k interface=internet service-name=internet disabled=no

11. Username dan password ini diberikan oleh telkom saat anda mendaftar. Password ini dapat diganti dengan mengunjungi www.telkomspeedy.com

12. Cek kembali interface anda

[admin@mikrotik] > interface print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running
0 internet ether 0 0 1500
1 pppoe-user-speedy pppoe-out 0 0 1492
2 lokal ether 0 0 1500

13. Setelah selesai anda dapat melihat IP yang diberikan kepada anda.

[admin@mikrotik] > /ip address print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
0 internet
1 D pppoe-user-speedy
2 lokal

14. Lakukan tes ke alamat

[admin@mikrotik] > ping 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=32 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=32 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=32 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=32 ms
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss

15. Langkah berikutnya adalah menentukan gateway dan Routingnya dilanjutkan pemberian DNS

[admin@mikrotik] > /ip route add gateway=

16. Tes kembali routing anda

[admin@mikrotik] > /ip route print
Flags: X-disabled, A-active, D-dynamic,
C-connect, S-static, r-rip, b-bgp, o-ospf

0 ADC pppoe-user-speedy
1 ADC internet
2 ADC modem
4 A S r pppoe-user-speedy

17. Pemberian DNS

[admin@mikrotik] > /ip dns set primary-dns=
[admin@mikrotik] > /ip dns set secondary-dns=
[admin@mikrotik] > /ip dns allow-remote-request=yes

18. Setelah langkah tersebut coba anda tes koneksi ke alamat DNS anda

[admin@mikrotik] > ping 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=60 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=54 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=54 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=52 ms
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss

[admin@mikrotik] > ping 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=60 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=54 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=54 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=52 ms
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss

19. Kemudian coba ping ke salah satu alamat situs missal yahoo.com

[admin@mikrotik] > ping yahoo.com 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=360 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=354 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=354 ms 64 byte ping: ttl=64 time=352 ms
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss

20. Sampai di langkah ini berarti mesin mikrotik anda telah online internet
21. Saatnya membagikan akses internet tersebut ke klien anda:

[admin@mikrotik] > /ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat action=masquerade

Bagian III
Pengaturan Klien Windows XP

Setelah selesai instalasi router mikrotik anda, langkah berikutnya adalah pengaturan klien (bilik).
Langkah langkahnya adalah sbb:

1. Start – Setting – Control Panel – Network Connection

2. Buka properties kartu jaringan anda (baik wireless maupun wirring). Dalam hal ini saya menggunakan wireless.

3. Berikan alamat IP yang sesuai untuk kartu jaringan klien anda. Maksud kata sesuai disini adalah alamat IP client harus satu jaringan dengan IP mikrotik (router).
4. Untuk alamat gateway arahkan pada IP router mikrotik.
5. Untuk alamat DNS (primary, secondary maupun tertiary), bisa menggunakan IP DNS dari mana-mana. Misal,,,, dll. Masing-masing punya keunggulan sendiri-sendiri.

Pengaturan langsung menggunakan Dial Up PPPoE

Anda dapat menggunakan dial up WAN Mini Port dengan user windows XP dengan skema sbb:
User (Klien) -> Modem -> Line -> Telpon -> Internet


Anda dapat langsung menggunakan modem mikrotik sebagai PPPoE, DHCP gateway dan DNS server, sehingga anda tidak perlu menggunakan mikrotik sebagai router dan repot untuk mengalamati jaringan local anda.

Skema jaringan adalah sebagai berikut:

User -> Modem -> Line Telpon -> Internet

Pengaturan modemnya mirip dengan pengaturan diatas tetapi berbeda pada langkah pengaturan mode.

1. Buka Browser dan akses alamat modem d-link anda (dalam hal ini saya menggunakan default address (
2. Login pada layer login seperti tampak pada gambar (default untuk D-Link adalah username : admin password : admin)

3. Setelah anda sukses untuk login, muncul tampilan dibawah ini :

4. Pilih tombol run wizard : dan lakukan 3 langkah pengesetan seperti pada gambar:

5. Seting zona waktu :
6. Tekan Tombol Next
7. Pilih mode PPPoE pada tampilan dibawah ini. (maaf gambarnya cuma copy paste dari atas)

8. Tekan tombol Next dan konfigurasikan VPI dan VCI (saya kurang tahu mengenai keduanya) Tapi menurut telkom 147 yang saya Tanya VPI = 8 dan VCI = 81 (Jika ada yang mengerti mengenai angka ini mohon penjelasan). Perhatikan pada bagian connection type anda.

9. Setelah langkah pengaturan VPI dan VCI perlu diatur username dan passwordnya. Username dan Password ini diperoleh saat anda registrasi speedy anda. Sebagai catatan, untuk password dapat diganti dengan mengunjungi situs http://www.telkomspeedy.com/.

10. Selesai Pengaturan Modem !!!

Sebagai catatan : untuk mengetahui apakah modem anda sudah connect dengan internet atau belum, perhatikan pada halaman status pada modem anda:

Apabila statusnya sudah “connected”, berarti bisa dilanjutkan dengan pengaturan Klien.

Pengaturan Klien.

Untuk memudahkan pemberian alamat IP pada computer klien, dapat dilakukan secara otomatis (menggunakan DHCP server modem anda).

Selesai untuk pengaturan klien.

Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008

Micro and Home-Based Businesses - Market Research

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service

Glenn Muske PhD
Home-Based and Micro Business Specialist

Tom woke up one morning with an idea for a new product. To his carpool friends, he asked if they would ever use such a product. Tom was doing market research.

Sally always wanted to have a small business. She knew what she wanted to do but could not decide where to locate. One day she happened to drive to a new area of town and noticed a vacant store that seemed like a good location. During lunch time she went to the library to see what she could find out about that part of town. Sally is doing market research.

Bob owned a printing service. While shopping for supplies at the hardware store, he noticed what items people bought. He wondered why they made the selections they did. Then he wondered why his customers made the decisions they did. To find out, Bob hired the students from a college marketing class to survey his customers. Bob is doing market research.

In the morning paper, Janice noticed a competitor had opened a store downtown. Since she had a client to meet that morning, so she decided to leave early and take a look at the store. Janice is doing market research.

Any good marketing book will contain numerous refer­ences on how a business owner must do marketing. Market research is an organized process to gather, analyze, interpret and utilize relevant information about the business environment for the purposes of making accurate business decisions.

Market research focuses on potential customers, existing customers, the competition, and the business environment. The ultimate goal of market research is business success. Market research provides information useful in developing short, medium, and long-term marketing plans. The objective of market research is to:

  1. Identify potential target markets
  2. Identify customer needs and wants
  3. Determine if the product or service meets customer needs
  4. Determine the best promotion technique for each mar­ket
  5. Examine the competition
These scenarios show that market research can be a formal or informal process. Asking questions to friends, rela­tives, or family is an informal method of market research, while hiring an individual or agency to do a survey in person, through written questionnaires, or by phone is a formal way to do market research. The data can be quantitative (some­thing that can be reduced to numbers) or qualitative (such as Janice’s observation of the open look of the competitor’s new store and the manner in which the owner is greeting each customer personally).

Market research also uses primary or secondary data in the analysis and decision making process. Primary data is collected directly for the business owner. It can be a formal process like Bob’s surveys performed by students in the mar­keting class, or an informal process like Tom’s questions of his carpool group. Primary data also is collected from sources other than people. Janice’s physical survey of the competition provides her with primary data. Secondary data is information collected and made available to the public to use as needed. Secondary data can be Census Bureau information, highway traffic counts, building permits issued, trade association sales figures, or chamber of commerce statistics.

Whether formal or informal, primary or secondary, the purpose of market research data is to help the business owner make better decisions. Using market research, the business owner can develop an accurate understanding of the potential customer. The goal of market research is to reveal unfilled needs in the form of a market niche, customers’ needs, a competitor’s weakness, or an unused marketing strategy. The ultimate goal is to increase the business’ sales and profits.
Not all data collected is valuable to the owner. Surveying the customers who walk by a telemarketing business tells the owner very little. National sales statistics alone offer little assistance in a decision to open a store. The data collection and analysis must relate to the question the owner is trying to answer. Bob’s selected his own customers as the database from which to gather information; customers are one of the most valuable data sources for the business owner.

Should marketing research be done by all businesses includ­ing micro and home-based firms? Yes. While it is possible to operate a successful business without it, market research improves the business’ chances of success. Some business owners have been called “lucky” or have made good “edu­cated guesses.” This luck or successful educated guesses are often the result of observations of the business environ­ment – in other words, market research. The best market research programs, however, go beyond hoping to catch the right information. The best market research programs are carefully thought out and planned with a study question(s) in mind. Micro business owners typically have limited resources. Effective collection and use of market research data improves the chances of avoiding mistakes that can consume all those scarce resources.

Can a business owner do his/her own market research? Certainly the process can be learned and need not be difficult. Should the owner do the market research? When possible, it certainly is cost-efficient. However, like Bob’s use of students in a marketing class, there are ways to hold costs down. Market research does consume time. It also requires the ability to fully analyze the data. But the most difficult part of an owner doing his or her own market research is the ability to be objective. The owner may be too closely involved in the business to accept what the research reveals.

When deciding to do your own market research, at the end of this publication is a sample customer profile and competitor analysis. These are only two examples of the possible forms that can be used. Remember to structure research specifically to a certain business.
Market research programs provide three types of informa­tion – about customers, about competitors, and in general. The following kinds of information may be learned in each area:

About Customers
  1. Demographics (age, where they live, where they work, race, gender, marital status)
  2. Socio-demographics (income, number of children, edu- cation, home ownership, lifestyle)
  3. Needs, wants, and desired benefits
  4. Past and future purchases (what, when, why, where, how much)
  5. Products and services that complement or substitute

Use of various media (radio, television, newspapers, magazines, Internet, etc.)

About Competitors

  1. Who they are
  2. What products and/or services they offer
  3. Price range of products and services
  4. Policies on returns, credit, warranties, etc.
  5. Special services
  6. Parking and store amenities
  7. Staff (experience, customer respect, customer focus)
  8. Promotions/advertising
  9. Image


  1. The physical/geographical area (traffic flow, develop- ment plans, history, growth patterns)
  2. The industry
  3. The economy

The purpose of market research is to help the owner gather information and make decisions – decisions about who may buy a product or service and about the competition. The information serves as a blueprint to guide future business decisions.
To organize market research data, consider using a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) format. When evaluating a business, what are its strengths (where is it a leader?) and weaknesses? When evaluating the environ­ment, where are chances for growth and what might slow the business?
Market research identifies the available market, discovers the best method to reach the target market, and asks what the customer needs or wants. Market research is a simple, structured, objective way of learning about people – the people who will buy your product or service.


  • Bull, Nancy and Passewitz, Greg (1994) Conducting Market Research. Fact Sheet - CDFS-1252-94. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Extension.
  • Gerson, Richard (1996) Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Chamber of Com­merce.
  • Mowat, Barbara and James, Ted (1996) Right from Home. strategies.ic.gc.ca/cg1-bin/dec/
  • Torres, Nayda and Israel, Glenn (1991) Marketing Fact Sheet. Florida Cooperative Extension Service SS-FL18-08. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets
are also available on our website at:
Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources • Oklahoma State University

Wholesale Market Development – FAO’s Experience

Paper prepared for the 22nd Congress of the World Union of Wholesale Markets Durban, South Africa, September 2001 by Edward Seidler, FAO, Rome.
1. Introduction:

Wholesale markets are an essential component of any agricultural marketing system, especially for horticultural crops and FAO has been addressing wholesale market development issues in all continents for the past forty years. There currently is a debate as to whether wholesale markets are needed, in light of the rapid changes taking place within the food marketing chain. These changes include an expansion in direct marketing between large farmers, either in groups or as individuals, and the increasingly integrated food marketing chains, represented by hypermarkets, supermarkets and chain stores. Despite such changes I believe that the correct question to ask is not: “Do food wholesalers and retailers still need central wholesale markets”, but, “Do farmers still need food wholesale markets “?
There is no doubt that developments in food retailing, especially the growth of vertically integrated distribution arrangements, have significantly affected the functioning and viability of wholesale markets, particularly in the developed economies. However, one should also examine the effect of this increasing concentration of purchasing power in terms of whether farmers are indeed better off under an increasingly oligopolistic marketing structure.

I believe that in those countries where the farm structure and the marketing system remain fragmented and co-operatives and farmer groupings are largely underdeveloped (as is the case in most developing countries and in most of the CIS countries), wholesale markets are still needed to provide farmers with effective and profitable marketing outlets for their produce. In addition to facilitating farmers’ access to the marketing system, wholesale markets, if adequately located, sized and managed, are basic instruments for promoting competition and improving public health and food quality control. This thereby lowers and stabilises consumer prices and reduces post harvest losses as well as urban congestion and pollution. The high rates of urban growth in African and Asian developing countries, will continue and create a need for both expanded and new wholesale markets, especially in the rapidly expanding ‘secondary’ cities in many countries.

2. FAO’s Activities in Wholesale Market Development

FAO has provided assistance to a large number of countries on issues relating to wholesale market development and improvement. In the 1960s, FAO actively assisted many Latin American countries ( such as Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico) in undertaking planning and feasibility studies for new wholesale markets. In the 70s, this support was also provided to countries in the Near East, Africa and Asia. Since then, when assessing marketing constraints for fresh produce, FAO teams have identified the poor state or the non existence of wholesale markets in some countries as key impediments and implemented projects to improve the management of existing wholesale markets or planned for new markets, such as in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Swaziland, India, Indonesia, Egypt, Nepal and Thailand. A Market Planning and Design Centre was established in India through an FAO project to assist the Government in planning new Wholesale Markets and in drawing up State Market Master Plans. Since the mid 1980s FAO’s Investment Centre, in association with the World Bank and the EBRD, has been involved in undertaking feasibility studies for new wholesale markets in a number of countries e.g. Egypt, Indonesia, and in Central European Countries such as Poland and Croatia.

In view of the need to support improvements in wholesale and retail market planning, design, management and operations, which could not be done through the format of individual country projects, FAO has produced a number of Guides or Manuals. These are: Wholesale Markets - Planning and Design Manual (AGS Bulletin 90, 1991), Retail Markets Planning Guide (AGS Bulletin 121, 1995), Wholesale Market Management (AGS Bulletin 140, 1999) and Market Infrastructure Planning- a guide for decision makers (AGS Bulletin 141,1999). These guides are all available in English and some also in French, Spanish and Arabic. Workshops held with various Regional Marketing Associations in the Near East, Asia and Latin America have discussed the issues covered in the various Bulletins. The importance of efficient and well managed wholesale markets is also an important factor in FAO’s initiative on “Food Supply and Distribution to Cities” which focuses on sensitising governments, municipalities and local authorities on the need to further their knowledge and plan for the rapidly increasing food needs of their expanding cities. Efficient food supply and distribution systems are a key factor in determining the population’s access, especially that of the poor, to affordable and safe food products and issues affecting the efficiency of wholesale and retail market infrastructure need to be addressed.

3. An overview of Wholesale Market Development

In this part of the paper, I shall briefly review the development of wholesale markets in some Regions around the World and highlight various trends and issues.

Significant development has taken place in wholesale markets in most Asian countries. In the 1970s, the Indian Government realised the importance of wholesale market development and introduced the concept of ‘markets of national importance’ in which it promoted the development of wholesale markets in each of the States and encouraged States to formulate Market Master Plans to promote the development of regulated wholesale and assembly markets. From the 286 regulated markets in 1950, India now has 7161 regulated markets (March 2001). The predominance of New Delhi as the main wholesale market of the country and its role both as a Terminal market and a Transit market is a matter of concern in India. It is estimated that over 30 per cent of the produce going though New Delhi’s Azadpur wholesale market is in fact produce originating from a different State and going to another by transiting through Delhi due to its transport links and the belief that Azadpur is the market that truly reflects market prices. One can imagine the savings that might accrue to farmers and consumers if produce was directly transported from the producing State's market to those in the consuming States.

Like India, Korea has strongly invested in wholesale market development. In 1985, the Government was unhappy with the conduct and performance of the existing private wholesale markets and embarked on a Public Wholesale Market Development programme, which envisaged the construction of 34 new large wholesale markets to serve all major cities. In 1985, the Seoul Wholesale Market began operating and 21 wholesale markets had been constructed by 1999 while a further 11 are under construction today. The Central Government provides 70 per cent of the financing costs while the remaining 30 per cent comes from the local governments. Just as in India, the Government of Korea has intervened in the conduct of wholesale market operations and trading practices.

Thailand has the most diversified wholesale market ownership and management structure with wholesale markets being owned by the Government, Co-operatives and private sector. The largest wholesale market in Thailand is the privately owned Thalaad Thai Market in Bangkok. In Chang Mai public, private and co-operative wholesale markets can be found. A new wholesale market has recently been opened in Kathmandu, Nepal following assistance in its planning and establishment received from FAO.

Many Asian cities need to upgrade their wholesale markets because their size and management structure have become serious constraints to efficient marketing. In Lahore, Pakistan, one of the four fruit and vegetable wholesale markets, which were developed at least 20 years ago, has never functioned, while the other two are only partly functioning. The only fully functioning wholesale market (Ravilink Road Fruit and Vegetable Market in Badami Bagh), is facing a serious congestion problem due to the high number of lorries, tractors, trolleys and trucks. Additional problems are poor parking, berthing, storage and drainage as well as lack of water and sanitation facilities. This situation, compounded by inadequate packaging practices, results in poor hygiene and high food losses. Similar conditions are encountered in the wholesale market for cereals, grains, spices and vegetable oil - Akbari Market, one of the most ancient in Asia - which is located right in the city centre. The lack of implementation of existing laws exacerbates problems. Services and facilities being provided by market committees are insufficient for the proper grading, packing and storage of food items. These agencies only spend a minimum percentage of their earnings on the provision of required facilities (The Market Committees' funds have been frozen since 1993 and this makes any maintenance and improvement impossible).

In the formerly centrally planned Asian economies, wholesale markets are being increasingly recognised as essential components of the produce marketing system. The most rapid development, in terms of numbers, can be seen in China where, following the liberalisation of the state marketing system, wholesale produce markets have been established in every major town and city. Some have been custom built, such as those in Beijing, whilst other markets have been established on the sites of former fruit and vegetable companies, which now rent their premises as storage facilities and wholesale selling areas to private traders. It is interesting to note the impact of rapid urban growth on the life cycle of urban wholesale markets in a city like Beijing. With the progressive increase in traffic and the construction of new ring roads ( there are more than six surrounding Beijing), markets built five years earlier on the then outer ring roads and heavily patronised, gradually lost business as the city expanded and access to the market for producers and traders became progressively difficult. These earlier markets have lost out to new, better located and more accessible markets.

New wholesale markets have been built to serve the rapidly growing cities of Jordan, Egypt and Morocco. Cairo and Amman have new wholesale markets to replace inadequate ones in heavily congested city centres, to meet the growing volumes of trade. The planning of new markets has not always been ideal, such as in Amman, where a new market was designed over a wider area to tackle the problems of lack of display space and inadequate stands. However, closer consultation with the market users to obtain a better understanding of their precise requirements for space and storage would have prevented some of the design flaws now being encountered in the new market. The Amman wholesale market handles more produce than that required by the city itself. In fact, it is estimated that only 40 percent of produce handled is consumed in Amman, while the rest is redirected, primarily for export to other cities.

In Rabat (Salé), Morocco, a law obliging all food products to transit through a wholesale market, increases costs (transport, market taxes and fees), which unnecessarily increase consumer prices; such regulations can even turn wholesale markets into a constraint to the development of more modern forms of food marketing. The fruit and vegetable wholesale market facilities in Damascus, Syria, badly need improvement to accommodate the increasing quantities of food products passing through it.

Following a flurry of activity in Latin America between the 1960s and 70s, when nearly every major Latin American capital embarked on ambitious improvements to their food marketing infrastructure, including the construction of wholesale markets, the turn of the new century now sees those cities facing serious challenges due to obsolete facilities (Sao Paulo; Mexico City; Bogotá;) and because food marketing systems have failed to keep pace with new developments in food marketing, such as the emergence of supermarket chains and hypermarkets. Some countries have seen their marketing infrastructure deteriorate significantly in recent years (Caracas and some Central American capitals), as city authorities fail to recognise food marketing as one of their main concerns. In Bolivia, the city of La Paz did not follow up its original enthusiasm for a new wholesale market after the completion of a feasibility study which identified three possible sites. Conversely, in Quito, Ecuador, the new wholesale market built in the late 1970s, is still underutilised.

In Santiago, Chile, a private sector developed fruit and vegetable wholesale market has been operating below capacity due to the failure of municipal authorities to facilitate public transport services to and from the new market. This failure apparently derives from the concern of local authorities to keep receiving revenues from the existing wholesale markets located in the city centre, in spite of the problems of traffic, health and environmental risks.

Following liberalisation and democratisation in Eastern European countries and the countries of the former Soviet Union in the 1980’s, there was great interest in building wholesale markets to meet the needs of the newly privatised farming sector. Farmers found that the former marketing arrangements had disappeared and that the marketing of their produce now directly depended on them. The former planned distribution system had to become a marketing system overnight. The low development level of the wholesale trading sector, in many Eastern European countries, coupled with the slow development of farmer groupings, meant that if local farmers were to be able to sell their produce, in many cases, their only option was to take their produce to the markets themselves, as is the case in Warsaw, Poland.

International financial institutions such as the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development together with bilateral donors such as Switzerland and Germany all saw the need for wholesale market development in E. Europe as a means to underpin agricultural development. These agencies provided financing for the construction of new markets in Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Croatia . However, in recent years a number of problems have risen from these projects stemming, in part, from the terms of their financing and the time between the original decision to plan the markets and their subsequent entry into operation. Problems of low occupancy and low revenue generation have brought into question in some people's minds whether new wholesale markets are indeed needed in these countries. Upon closer inspection, the problems being experienced by these markets stem from an inadequate appreciation by the promoters of the degree of competition that existed or would arise in the provision of wholesaling facilities from the time when the markets were first planned until they came into operation. During the intervening period, private informal wholesale markets opened up capturing some of the potential trade, but designs for the new markets were not modified in the intervening period to take this into account. The problem was accentuated by the lack of involvement and commitment by the concerned municipalities and governments in the success of the new market projects. Failure by the concerned parties to enforce applicable laws and regulations, related to land allocation for markets and minimum provisions of infrastructure, and their failure to enforce market regulating laws, even when these were in place, are behind some of the problems faced by some of the new markets. For example, in Bucharest and Warsaw, ‘informal’ private wholesale markets were already operating when the planning of the new markets was undertaken and these informal markets, which did not provide the facilities of the planned new markets, were in full operation when the new markets came into operation. When the new markets opened, after various delays, they faced the problem of competing with the already operating wholesale market, which charged lower rentals and was in a more convenient location, even if the facilities available were less than adequate. This had the effect of reducing the rentals in the new markets and consequently lowering the revenues which were necessary to pay back the loan financing. The situation was further compounded by the lack of phasing of market construction. All planned market buildings were built at the outset rather than in phases, as business would dictate, leaving parts of the markets unoccupied and not generating funds to cover building costs. In addition, inadequate attention was paid, at the planning stage, to getting ‘core’ importers and traders into the new markets in order to ensure a volume of trading sufficient to make the market attractive to other smaller traders.

Another issue regarding wholesale market development in Eastern Europe was the general insistence by the Banks on full cost recovery from the newly created market companies. These markets provide development support and public services and, as such, it might have been expected that some of the funds might have come from the municipality or central government. This is in contrast with the practice adopted in Italy and Korea, for example, where the Government or local authorities consider funding up to 70 per cent of wholesale market construction costs. An interesting feature of the cash flow plans for some markets in Italy and in E. Europe is the incorporation of land within the new market area, which is greater than the needs of the market at its inception or needed for future expansion. This has been the case for many of the Italian markets and for the Warsaw and Bucharest markets. As the market develops the land around it increases in value as allied enterprises are attracted to the area and the market is then able to sell some of its land to raise funds to repay its establishment costs. The cash flow plan of the market should envisage land sales over time as the land values will increase over time and premature sales in early years will deprive the market of the opportunity to realise land value gains in future years.

Wholesale market development in Africa has essentially lagged behind the needs of most of the countries. In general, dedicated wholesale markets are only found in the capital cities and these often serve a combination of wholesale and retail marketing functions with the concomitant problems of heavy congestion, waste, pollution and generally inadequate facilities. In many cases the wholesale markets were erected during colonial times, when the cities were much smaller and the traded volumes were much lower, with the result that today the markets are too small and spill over into adjacent, unplanned and generally unsuitable areas.

In many countries, secondary towns and cities have retail markets in which wholesaling takes place, without dedicated facilities for wholesaling being available. This situation most probably reflects the fact that, in many African countries, the predominance of the capital city as the main ‘market’ and centre of population has meant that this is the only place where large- scale wholesaling is considered feasible. However, secondary cities in most of these countries are growing rapidly. The development of up-country markets as assembly or secondary wholesale markets has increased but, there has generally been inadequate planning for these to take on an expanding role. With the exception of South Africa, no country has a wholesale market network. Wholesale market networks appear increasingly justified, not only because of the rapid expansion of secondary cities, which require their own wholesale market, but also as a means to reduce congestion in existing markets in capital cities.

In Africa wholesale markets are generally viewed as public facilities which are financed, built, owned and managed by municipalities. Dedicated market corporations have been established in the newer markets e.g. Kariakor Wholesale Market in Dar es Salaam. Wholesale market revenues are seen as important sources of revenue for the municipalities and, in many cases, they make little or no provision for the maintenance and development of the market facilities with the consequence that many markets rapidly fall into a state of disrepair and cannot maintain adequate facilities and services.

4.Ownership Issues

There is an increasing tendency by donors and international financial institutions to regard investments in new wholesale markets only as private sector investments. As intimated above, there is an element of markets being ‘public goods’ which provide services that are considered to be in the public interest (such as competitive and transparent marketing practices and enforcement of health and hygiene standards etc.). The state or municipality should provide these facilities for the benefit of all. There is a danger of taking one view or the other, when perhaps it would be more appropriate to take a middle view whereby markets are looked upon as a partnership development between the public and private sectors. Apart from the traditional sources of private capital, such as banks and financial institutions, traders and merchants can also be considered as sources of capital for facilities that they will directly use (stands, storage facilities etc). The public sector’s involvement could be in the form of land provision, supply of basic infrastructure and utilities and road infrastructure to and from the new market.

The partnership approach would also encourage the local government or municipality, if it involves equity participation in the market, to be more committed to the success of the project and provide the necessary enabling environment and regulations to ensure that the market can operate successfully.

5. Issues arising in Wholesale Market Development
  1. It is pertinent here to highlight those issues that need to be considered in wholesale market development, taking into account developments in various parts of the world:
    a. Wholesale markets are an essential component for the food marketing system in most developing areas and their continued development is still relevant for most countries. Even in outwardly modern countries, the scale of production and the degree of co-operation of farmers is such that farmers continue to need a direct point of access to the marketing system and a well organised place where they can meet a plurality of buyers;
  2. When planning new wholesale markets, the long-term urban development plans for the city should be considered when choosing their location and the fact that, in certain cases, more than one wholesale market may be needed to meet the needs of the city;
  3. The planning of wholesale markets requires identification of a site that is appropriate in terms of size and in line with the development of transport links to and within the urban area;
  4. In order for new markets to be acceptable to market users, their planning must involve all stakeholders - farmers, traders, transporters, retailers – so that user reactions to proposals, including fee increases, can be obtained. Markets should ensure adequate access to local farmers to sell their produce and provide dedicated space and facilities if required;
  5. Professionalism in wholesale market management is essential if markets are to succeed and meet the needs of market participants. Conduct of business in the market must not only be a concern of the government but also that of market management in order to ensure fairness and transparency. Management boards with a preponderance of appointed, rather than user-elected, members are rarely able to meet the expectations of their clients. Market management must recognise the importance of maintaining good relations with their clientele (farmers, traders, buyers) and with the concerned government and municipal officers so that they fully recognise and appreciate the importance of the market and support its operations and further development;
  6. Market management must increasingly search for diversification opportunities to enhance the services offered by the market and thereby increase its revenue base. The involvement of markets in quality enhancement and quality assurance programmes can be instrumental in enhancing the reputation of the market and its utility to market participants;
  7. Wholesale markets require to be at the forefront of changes in the marketing system and provide the services required to meet the needs of a changing clientele. The importance of introducing ‘logistic platforms’ in wholesale markets to meet the needs of large and sophisticated buyers, such as supermarket and hypermarket chains, for dedicated facilities needs to be recognised;

6. Co-operation between wholesale markets

Wholesale markets are dynamic entities within a rapidly changing operating environment. Most markets have problems and challenges that have been solved by markets elsewhere. There is a lot of scope for technical exchanges between existing wholesale markets in various areas of market planning, design, operation and management. This does not necessarily mean learning the “best” or adopting the most “modern” practices. One must guard against focussing on what is considered to be the most modern and copying what might be appropriate in one country but not in all. The experience gained by market authorities in LDCs and their mistakes may all prove useful to cities sharing similar conditions and be more relevant than “top of the line” market experiences.

I hope that the World Union of Wholesale Markets and their member markets, together with their local authorities, will actively promote such technical assistance. First and foremost, I hope that this Congress and future ones will become fora for participants to identify experiences they want to share. FAO stands ready to assist in this process.

Edward Seidler FAO Rome, 31 August 2001

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

New Collections for the Government Market


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