Home-Based and Micro Business Specialist
Tom woke up one morning with an idea for a new product. To his carpool friends, he asked if they would ever use such a product. Tom was doing market research.
Sally always wanted to have a small business. She knew what she wanted to do but could not decide where to locate. One day she happened to drive to a new area of town and noticed a vacant store that seemed like a good location. During lunch time she went to the library to see what she could find out about that part of town. Sally is doing market research.
Bob owned a printing service. While shopping for supplies at the hardware store, he noticed what items people bought. He wondered why they made the selections they did. Then he wondered why his customers made the decisions they did. To find out, Bob hired the students from a college marketing class to survey his customers. Bob is doing market research.
In the morning paper, Janice noticed a competitor had opened a store downtown. Since she had a client to meet that morning, so she decided to leave early and take a look at the store. Janice is doing market research.
- Identify potential target markets
- Identify customer needs and wants
- Determine if the product or service meets customer needs
- Determine the best promotion technique for each market
- Examine the competition
Whether formal or informal, primary or secondary, the purpose of market research data is to help the business owner make better decisions. Using market research, the business owner can develop an accurate understanding of the potential customer. The goal of market research is to reveal unfilled needs in the form of a market niche, customers’ needs, a competitor’s weakness, or an unused marketing strategy. The ultimate goal is to increase the business’ sales and profits.
Not all data collected is valuable to the owner. Surveying the customers who walk by a telemarketing business tells the owner very little. National sales statistics alone offer little assistance in a decision to open a store. The data collection and analysis must relate to the question the owner is trying to answer. Bob’s selected his own customers as the database from which to gather information; customers are one of the most valuable data sources for the business owner.
Should marketing research be done by all businesses including micro and home-based firms? Yes. While it is possible to operate a successful business without it, market research improves the business’ chances of success. Some business owners have been called “lucky” or have made good “educated guesses.” This luck or successful educated guesses are often the result of observations of the business environment – in other words, market research. The best market research programs, however, go beyond hoping to catch the right information. The best market research programs are carefully thought out and planned with a study question(s) in mind. Micro business owners typically have limited resources. Effective collection and use of market research data improves the chances of avoiding mistakes that can consume all those scarce resources.
Can a business owner do his/her own market research? Certainly the process can be learned and need not be difficult. Should the owner do the market research? When possible, it certainly is cost-efficient. However, like Bob’s use of students in a marketing class, there are ways to hold costs down. Market research does consume time. It also requires the ability to fully analyze the data. But the most difficult part of an owner doing his or her own market research is the ability to be objective. The owner may be too closely involved in the business to accept what the research reveals.
When deciding to do your own market research, at the end of this publication is a sample customer profile and competitor analysis. These are only two examples of the possible forms that can be used. Remember to structure research specifically to a certain business.
Market research programs provide three types of information – about customers, about competitors, and in general. The following kinds of information may be learned in each area:
About Customers
- Demographics (age, where they live, where they work, race, gender, marital status)
- Socio-demographics (income, number of children, edu- cation, home ownership, lifestyle)
- Needs, wants, and desired benefits
- Past and future purchases (what, when, why, where, how much)
- Products and services that complement or substitute
Use of various media (radio, television, newspapers, magazines, Internet, etc.)
About Competitors
- Who they are
- What products and/or services they offer
- Price range of products and services
- Policies on returns, credit, warranties, etc.
- Special services
- Parking and store amenities
- Staff (experience, customer respect, customer focus)
- Promotions/advertising
- Image
- The physical/geographical area (traffic flow, develop- ment plans, history, growth patterns)
- The industry
- The economy
The purpose of market research is to help the owner gather information and make decisions – decisions about who may buy a product or service and about the competition. The information serves as a blueprint to guide future business decisions.
To organize market research data, consider using a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) format. When evaluating a business, what are its strengths (where is it a leader?) and weaknesses? When evaluating the environment, where are chances for growth and what might slow the business?
Market research identifies the available market, discovers the best method to reach the target market, and asks what the customer needs or wants. Market research is a simple, structured, objective way of learning about people – the people who will buy your product or service.
- Bull, Nancy and Passewitz, Greg (1994) Conducting Market Research. Fact Sheet - CDFS-1252-94. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Extension.
- Gerson, Richard (1996) Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
- Mowat, Barbara and James, Ted (1996) Right from Home. strategies.ic.gc.ca/cg1-bin/dec/
- Torres, Nayda and Israel, Glenn (1991) Marketing Fact Sheet. Florida Cooperative Extension Service SS-FL18-08. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
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